Wisconsin Public Health Association Mobilizing Communities for a Just Response
Darcie consulted with six local health departments to help them pilot community organizing techniques throughout their required planning processes to result in more equitable assessments and plans. In addition, Darcie led a small group to co-create and co-present a series of virtual and in-person trainings to educate the public health workforce around these topics.
Darcie coordinated the project’s resultant toolkit (accessed here: https://www.wpha.org/page/planningforhealthequity). The toolkit features products from each of the six participating agencies, training recordings, and links to planning and community engagement resources. As the project’s consultant, Darcie first drafted the toolkit’s narrative, collaborating with representatives from the six local coalitions, as well as an expert project Advisory Committee. Then she hosted a series of meetings (virtually and in-person) to solicit feedback from key audiences: a collaborative of Wisconsin healthcare system planners, the DHS-coordinated CHA/CHIP communities of practice of professionals who lead CHA/CHIPs for local and tribal health departments, and Milwaukee-area public health officials. In collaboration with WPHA’s Advisory Committee and representatives from the six participating agencies, Darcie revised the toolkit based on feedback.
After finalization, Darcie presented the toolkit online, at WPHA’s annual conference, and for the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Planning Association.
Darcie coordinated the project’s resultant toolkit (accessed here: https://www.wpha.org/page/planningforhealthequity). The toolkit features products from each of the six participating agencies, training recordings, and links to planning and community engagement resources. As the project’s consultant, Darcie first drafted the toolkit’s narrative, collaborating with representatives from the six local coalitions, as well as an expert project Advisory Committee. Then she hosted a series of meetings (virtually and in-person) to solicit feedback from key audiences: a collaborative of Wisconsin healthcare system planners, the DHS-coordinated CHA/CHIP communities of practice of professionals who lead CHA/CHIPs for local and tribal health departments, and Milwaukee-area public health officials. In collaboration with WPHA’s Advisory Committee and representatives from the six participating agencies, Darcie revised the toolkit based on feedback.
After finalization, Darcie presented the toolkit online, at WPHA’s annual conference, and for the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Planning Association.
Partnership for a Tobacco Free Wisconsin
The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Population's Health Institute's Mobilizing Action toward Community Health and the American Lung Association contracted with Growing Violets for coalition coordination and special projects of the Partnership for a Tobacco Free Wisconsin. Darcie led several rounds of policy action planning, educational advocacy messaging development, and a five-year Midterm Report for the State Plan.
- In 2018, 2020, and 2022, Darcie coordinated a coalition planning process resulting in the creation and implementation of a Tobacco Prevention and Control Movement Action Plan, a PSE Plan Strategy Chart: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hrJcU7BMWkyN4CWs58bVoXBGssp-vp2U/edit.
- Darcie led a small group that developed advocacy messaging for the Partnership for a Tobacco Free Wisconsin. Access two examples: https://www.tobaccofreewisconsin.org/tobacco-covid-19--racism.html and https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n2O937to6AwG50CyC_WJv7S_wlYHz7nv/view?usp=sharing.
- Darcie led a Midterm Reporting process for the State Plan in 2023 (Report: https://www.tobaccofreewisconsin.org/uploads/1/1/6/5/116511217/executive_summary_for_20_25_midterm_report.pdf).
Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids Federal Policy Alignment Strategist in Wisconsin
As a contractor with the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, Darcie organized local and state partners around federal advocacy issues. One outcome from the consultation was educational advocacy coalition letters. Darcie drafted the letters, revised them according to feedback from partners, and then led grassroots organizing to solicit organization co-signers. One example can be accessed here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q61kgwYOXavVZP2PPbsx15nrfbWB1uZs/view?usp=sharing.
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