Experts in strategic planning and political communications.
Growing Violets is a Wisconsin-based strategic planning firm specializing in non-profit and public organizations. Health. Education. Natural resources.
Wisconsin's state flower, wild violet takes root like a weed. It spreads across the fields and woodlands. It's beautiful. Delicate. Strong.
After this dormant period - austerity measures, funding cuts, deregulation, and the pandemic - we cannot shrink from our reality. Think strategically now, and blossom like violets in the Springtime.
"The worker must have bread, but she must have roses, too." - Rose Schneiderman
Our values include: Leadership - We model active listening. We create digestible public relations. Collaboration - We serve clients as our partners. Diversity - We strive toward equity. In our company. In the world. Basic human rights - We believe in dignity. Fairness. Respect. Freedom. Also human rights - Everyone deserves opportunity. To live healthy. To learn free. To connect with nature. Sustainability - We always consider environmental impact. Labor - People before profit.